Trusight provides consulting and training services focused on HR and business management.
At Trusight we are committed to providing our members and customers with the information, clarity, and perspective they need to perform in the contemporary business environment. We serve as your trusted resource, sorting through all of the clutter to give you best practices based upon years of in-the-trenches experience. We monitor the trends, keeping what works and bringing the best and most effective new ideas back to you. Our three primary offerings are: membership, consulting, and training. Membership provides valuable support, tools, and resources to HR professionals and management to assist in the day-to-day human resources functions. Trusight’s consulting services provide assistance on a wide range of HR and management issues. Our training classes and workshops cover training for the HR staff member and training for your employees in a host of categories from leadership to conflict management to presentation skills.
Keywords: Human resources, management, leadership training, consulting, labor relations, employement law, organizational development, safety & environmental, compensation & benefits, talent management